Succeeder "Make your Face Fit©" program - £36
(Refresher £17 if paid for at same time)
Succeeder Dolphin Experience
(including Dolphin-Focused Visualisation. Bring swimwear)
Hide-and-Succeed - £46 (£90 for 2)
(last weekend of every third month)
Sink or Swim £75 + insurance
(every Saturday morning. Bring own trunks)
Succeeder Snooker - £35 at Harpenden Snooker and Knockout Whist Club.
(cues available for hire)
Succeeder Failure course.
(10% discount for those who come back twice)
Why not come to a Succeeder Breakfast?
Recent topics ...
"Managing Tricky Work-Place Situations Involving People"
"I Don't Like The People I Work With"
"I Can Be More Than What I Am"
(NB continental breakfast not included)
Business Boot Camp: Every August. It's a kind of "Back to School" weekend for the recovering businessperson
(must sign waiver/disclaimer).
You can sign up for a Virtual Vaughan Session for just £84. Phonivation© at its best!
For tip-top training videos, visit Succeed-e-Vision.com